Kill Dill new song ” SWEETA” is hawt and sizzling

The second song from the film kill dil has just released and it is hot. It is different and it is sizzling. After a long dry spell perhaps we have one CRAZY Bollywood song without any over the top rap or Punjabification or any English lyrics and yet pleasing to the ears, catchy and energetic.

Well, this one comes from the 90s era’s hit singer Adnama Sami and his voice certainly is a refreshing change. Ranveer and Parineeti star in the song and the picturisation is excellent.

Ranveer has been talking about it on Twitter lately.

This is very different also from the title track of Kill Dil that released last week and now we can say Kill Dil is expected to not just be an entertaining plot but also a solid album. The Song comes with a surprise package as Parineeti is seen for the first time in a (black) swin-suit and needless to say she looks glamorous in her own way. Ranveer goes about chasing this diva and seriously, you will not deny what he has to say “sweeta tujhse nahi koi meetha” for the Parineeti is amazing.  The lyrics is by Gulzar and music by the magnificent trio of Shankar Ehsaan Loy. Go on watch the trailer and believe me you won’t be able to resist crooning SWEETAAAAAAAA …. Like Ranveer! Ranveer is cute and his expressions? Priceless! And hey he wears a skirt and dances a ballet! Check it out yourself –

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Ojaswini Srivastava

Sometimes in the middle of the night I would get up and write and sometimes the whole day just sit and think looking down my window... A thinker, a wannabe journalist, a writer and closed philosopher. . . A small Towner with huge dreams, a feminist - hard core, a foodie and book lover. I can kill for chocolates and die for friendship . . . A graduate in English Literature presently pursuing creative writing ... Bollywood is one of my strongest addictions and one of the few topics am ready to write on anytime of the day.

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