The Prologue To The Movie “Ugly” Is All Set To Get Your Heart Racing

Film makers usually like to keep all aspects of their movie a secret and are usually extra careful before the release. But trust Anurag Kashyap to do something unusual. The director has released a prologue to his movie, “Ugly” which will hit the theatres on 26th December, 2014.

Watch the prologue, “Kali-Katha” below:


Set to release this Friday, Ugly stars Girish Kulkarni, Ronit Roy, Rahul Bhat, Tejaswini Kohlapure, Vineet Kumar Singh, Surveen Chawla and Vipin Sharma.

Vigya Atri

"Lover of pizzas, happy movies and anything chocolate, I can often be found dreaming about random things like going on a world tour, or owning an amusement park"

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