Rekha CheckMATED Big B

Cheeky, Tricky, Chirpy, Girlie and Flirty Rekha fired the loudest cracker


New Delhi, October 23: Amitabh Bachchan aka ‘Big B’ must be thinking hard for his deft moves on filmy chessboard but his ex-flame Rekha already checkmated him, though she does not feature in upcoming movie ‘Do’ in which Big B plays a paralyzed chess master. Her unexpected ‘chutzpah’ has taken Bollywood today by storm.

Rekh, on the set of Big Boss sometime in preceding weeks, where she had gone for the promotion of her upcoming film ‘Super Nani’, unexpectedly unleashed her charm offensive that caught everyone including Big B unawares. Mostly reticent Rekha all of sudden became cheeky, tricky, chirpy, girlie and flirty. The dormant and Big B- smitten girl in Super Nani came up front. Rekha’s girlish charm and naughtiness was on display in gay abandon.


What she said on the set of Big Boss spoke volume about the pent up love that she still subsumes under the inner recesses of her heart. From behind the shield of a Dabang dialogue, she seductively purred- ‘I am afraid of Big B, err— Big Boss.’ She said, ‘‘Thappad se darr nahi lagta, pyaar se bhi nahi lagta, who toh mai bahut de sakti hu, dar lagta hai toh bas `Big B` se’. (I am not afraid of a slap, neither am I afraid of love. That I can give in abundance. If I fear anyone I fear only Big B). Though she said she meant Big Boss, the loose cannon hit the intended target bang on.

It was curious case of eyeing something and targeting something else (Kaheen pai Nigahen, Kaheen Pai Nisana). It was the loudest cracker fired by Rekha. And then, came her gay abandon in flaunting her power to vote. Hot on the heels, flaunting her blackened nail after casting her vote, she gave enough indication that she was out on a heart warming mischief making spree.

Bollywood watchers must be waiting with bated breath for more sparks which might fly from Diva of yester year. They fancy Rekha might have some more titillating mischief up her sleeve in the run up to release of her film ‘Supar Nani,. One would have fancied Rekha’s flying ‘kitsch’ to be reciprocated by Big B but hamstrung as Big B is by a hawkish wife Jaya Bachchan, he would not dare to answer her barb and bare his heart.


The said torrid l’ affair between Rekha and Big B has been a titillating stuff always in the realm of speculation. None of them ever confessed being in love but the mystique of love between them lingers on. Rekha after a long hiatus triggered the embers of that love ‘saga’ again.

Grapevine has it that sparks of love flew between them flew on the sets of ‘Do Anjane’ which kept simmering through many films later on but tapered off after Silsila. It is said that Silsila was the ‘real life’ story of Amitabh, Jaya and Rekha. The new grist in the rumor mill is surely going to engage the eavesdroppers for a long long time to come.


Through over two decades of journalism, Dhananjay has made his mark in writing soft and light stories, pertaining to glam world along with serious health stories. Having worked with almost all mainline newspaper groups and wire services, namely HT, TOI, IANS, Naiunia, Dhananjay is equally popular for juicy stories as for his health stories. Most of his bolly stories would have a 1st page bottom place in newspapers, so much so that he earned the nickname of being 'anchorman'. Being a no nonsense health editor, he never compromises with truth, so it also filters into his bolly and glam stories. His juicy and seemingly gossipy bolly stories too thrive on solid bedrock of facts.

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